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"The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell

"The world is made up of two classes--the hunters and the huntees"(1). 

    In “The Con Hunting Article,” by Micah Issitt, hunting is cruel and it’s damaging recreation. Hunting is cruel especially when “hunters use an expensive array of visual and olfactory camouflage products and scoped semi-automatic rifles loaded with hollow-point bullets in order to ambush a defenseless animal”(3). Issitt, is trying to explain that hunters are dominating animals that have little to no way of fighting back. Killing a defenseless animal is “pointlessly cruel” (1). For example, when hunters hunt it damages recreation explains Issitt. “There are unethical hunters who practice poaching, illegally hunting threatened animals, and it is posing a major threat to the continued existence of these species”(2). The author is trying to say that hunting for your own entertainment is killing of the animal’s population that could result to extinction. Without the help of animals the society and community wouldn’t thrive like it does today. Clearly, Issit is trying to say that hunting is damaging the society we live in and it should be stopped.

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